
  • Life is busy

    So is my four year old….busy eating objects she should not. 




    Long story short….


    She was choking, we took her to the hospital. The hospital then transferred her after seeing this x-ray via ambulance to a larger hospital.

    She had the surgery to get it out with a scope and a claw.

    A doctor printed the x-ray out for us, we were told to “hang on to that, it’s one of a kind!”

    The photo was passed around to all the doctors and nurses we saw, and some we didn’t.

    It became pretty popular in the hospital.

    After i knew she was safe, I thought to myself how funny the x-ray looked. 

    I am so happy she didn’t have any complications and she is now herself again and running around,playing.

    Well almost herself, she is known to put EVERYTHING in her mouth, I think she learned her lesson. she tells me she is not going to put things in her mouth anymore. Yay!!

    * I haven’t blogged in so long I had to read where I had left off. Update on the last post, we got results of Siennas biopsy which turned out to just be “brain cells”.  I can’t even explain the feeling of getting that news. I was prepared for the worst. Sienna is back to herself, only stronger and her speech is so much more clear. She has been in speech therapy since she was 2. the therapist recently told me she couldn’t believe the difference in her speech already!

    I promise to be back to blogging more regular. And hopefully will be sharing good news instead of scary, life threatening experiences, although with six kids…….hmmmm, how can I say this lightly, I don’t know!

  •  Last week on Thursday Sienna came home from school with a 101.5 temp and said she had a headache. Over the weekend her fever went away, but she still had the headache. By sunday she was having a hard time with lights bothering her. Sunday night early Monday morning, she woke us up crying her head hurt her so bad. She started vomiting and her eyes were really puffy.

    Let me just say, that you know what my first thought was. I was praying she didn’t have moya moya and it was just a virus or something.

    Well Mark rushed her to the ER and came back with CT results of Hydrocephalous. (water on the brain) . They discharged her to follow with her Dr that same day. We made the appt for 11:30 that morning. The Dr wanted an MRI MRA with contrast. They sent us home to wait for the scheduled appt.

    Well she got worse..fast. She slept on the couch all day (I was thinking they were rushing the scan so I was waiting for the phone call all day) At around 7:30 pm she tried to get up to use the bathroom.She rolled on the floor holding her head and moaning. Mark and I just looked at each other and knew we were taking her somewhere and fast, but not to the same ER. we Decided to make the long trip to another town, where those Doctors sent us directly via ambulance to Albany Med. By late Monday night early Tuesday morning, we found out what was going on. 

    She had a cyst in her Brain. It was closing over the hole to drain spinal fluid.  

    A large one, and it was directly on her brain stem.

    Surgery was scheduled within a half hour and they started prepping her. I CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN THE FEELING.

    Now Doctors are very upfront and honest with everything that could go wrong. This was about too much for me to hear. I wanted to wait for family to get there first, so they could see her before she went in, and we wouldn’t be alone.

    Doc said no time. he wanted to start right away. 

    Not even going to go into details on the wait. It was just….excruciating. I actually begged the nurses to knock me out with something, I did not want to be awake, I wanted to wake up from a drug induced sleep to everything being ok. 

    We held our breath when they called us to go see her. It was a very risky surgery because they had to navigate to the center of the brain being careful not to damage the brain stem while they popped the cyst and gathered tissue for biopsy.

    When we walked in the room, I heard her crying.The Nurse said she was calling for me. My heart was pounding so hard for so long that I was hearing my heart beat in my ears. As soon as I saw her reach for me, with both arms and she said she wanted to go home, the beating stopped in my ears.

    I got really sweaty, VERY hot.

    I think within minutes I had fainted or something. I woke up on a bed next to her. I was dripping in sweat. Then I was freezing. They were having me drink some juice or something with sugar.

    She MADE IT through the surgery with no complications.

    She had Lauras Doctor, who in my opinion, is the best neurosurgeon around. 

    I am still recovering…

    Sienna is back to herself. We were discharged two, TWO days after her surgery. 

    We are however waiting on pathology to come back with results of the biopsy. We are praying for the best.

    I have researched different cysts, the most common are benign. Because he could not remove the base of the cyst though, (it was on the brain stem) there is a chance it can grow back slowly over time. I really think we already hit the “extremely rare” category with Laura and her Moya moya. (by the way she is doing great!) So I am hoping this time fits in the more common category.

    I want to thank all who know us , who were thinking of us and praying during this time. I thank my mom who took care of her many grandbabies while we were in Albany.

     Also I appreciate the great love shown to us by spiritual brothers and sisters, near to our home, and also in Albany. I find it so comforting that no matter where we go we are looked after by each other.

    Most importantly… I thank my God Jehovah for getting us through this, another of many trials I have encountered lately.

    2 Corinthians 4:7 ~ However, we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not that out of ourselves.





  • First day of school 2012


    Looking tired but ready to go!



    Not enthused in the least bit!



    A little better.


    Excited as always.



    Alaina first day of pre-K and Sienna first day of Kindergarten !

    I’m so sad to see them go! I wish I could keep them all home, seriously I do! (I’m not joking!!)


    kindergarten [ˈkɪndəˌgɑːtən]

    (Social Science / Education) a class or small school for young children, usually between the ages of four and six to prepare them for primary education. Often shortened (in Australia) to kinder or (in Australia and New Zealand) to kindy or kindie
    [from German, literally: children's garden]
    kindergartener n

    German : Kinder, genitive pl. of Kind, child (from Middle High German kint, from Old High German kind; see gen- in Indo-European roots) + Garten, garden (from Middle High German garte, from Old High German garto; see gher-1 in Indo-European roots).]


    I wonder who brought about the idea? Clue. Look where it originated.


  • Jonathans still on vacation!



    I love how he is having so much fun with Granny and Grandpa. It makes my heart happy :)



    I think he is looking for sharks here! HA!

    Thanks Granny and Grandpa for taking such good care of my boy and giving him a fun summer and spoiling him lol, should make things interesting when he gets home haha!


    On another note, our chickens have been giving us 1-2 eggs a day now, I have yet to figure out which ones are laying. I hope they all start soon. My sister was at our house and cooked some up, turns out they were the first 4 eggs from the chickens, she said they tasted super yummy!  (I don’t eat eggs unless they are in cake!)

  • An Egg

    Our first gift from our chicks.


  • Nice

    It’s very nice Jonathan is getting to spend time on the beach in Clearwater with Granny and Grandpa all to himself!



    I miss him though! Actually miss ALL of them! 

    So happy we finally have had a real summer! I am loving it!

    We went to a graduation party today and the kids had alot of fun….main attraction was the dunk tank!


    Why is it when I say “dunk tank” I want to say “duct tape” ? Haha! 


  • Going to the post office

    <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/FeXNAcdAZjo” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>


    not really, just a ride around the yard

  • Summer

    How we feel about it



    Sad day today though. Four of our twelve chickens are missing, gone, eaten? We still have eight. I am locking them up tonight, in the pen we bought when they were chicks. Marks going to sit out for a bit when he gets home from work to see if whatever it was, is dumb enough (smart enough?) to come back. He doesn’t plan on letting it leave if he sees it.   (That is also sad)

  • Went outside to check on the chickens and four of them were missing. They always sit on the fence at night and when Mark comes home from work he says they let him pet them. We have 12 of them, there are eight on the fence.



    I took a short walk around, and found them…..in the trees. I think I should have known this is what they do.




    Now when they start laying eggs, do they lay them in the trees? Mark put nesting boxes up today. I hope they start using them soon. I think we have about 5-6 weeks left before they lay. If it goes as planned, we should have plenty of eggs. My sister Robin has 5 chicks that are about 4 weeks younger then ours. She asked me yesterday if I wanted a rooster. She has two, which means she will only have three hens! (And two dinners) I don’t know yet if I want to save their life….

    Maybe she will keep them and have more chicks?


    Anyhow, anthony has been keeping me quite busy lately



    I wouldn’t let him open it, so he decided to climb on it, which is very convenient because there is a fish tank next to it, which he likes to play in and terrorize the fishes.

    I am finished painting my living room and like how it turned out.

    I am working on painting my kitchen, and I LOVE how it is looking!

    Maybe some pictures soon?

    Mark took some pictures off his phone and transferred them to my computer.It seems like it was just yesterday he took some of them.


    I am trying to figure out WHERE this was taken? I have no idea!
















    These last four pictures he took yesterday when he surprised me and came home from work early…yay!!




  • Summer!






    Laundry on the line








    I’m so happy school is out!

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